When we took the dogs for their first walk on January 1, the road through the RV park was dry.
By mid-morning, it was snowing hard. This video was shot around 1:00 p.m.

We waited as long as we could before taking the dogs back outside. Max, our husky mix, loves the snow.
Little Sadie hasn’t had much experience with it and wasn’t too sure about walking.
Getting out to explore in the snow
For years, Andy and I have taken a long walk on New Year’s Day, and we were not going to let the snow change our tradition.
After settling the dogs back into the RV, we drove to the Rio Rancho Bosque Preserve to walk the trail in the snow.
After parking in the lot off Riverside Dr. NE, we began our trek through the snow towards the Rio Grande.

It was cold, snowy and we loved it. Seeing snow instead of sand was a fun change. Especially because we knew it would melt in a few days.
Rio Grande on Snowy New Year’s Day

We walked along the beach and up the short hill to the North Beach Bosque Trail entrance.
There were footprints in the snow from earlier hikers.
This trail is very popular, especially on a day with several inches of snow.
Upper North Beach Bosque Trail

The part of the trail we had taken led us back towards the parking lot. Rather than stopping, we picked up the other end of the path towards the neighborhood.
North Beach Bosque Trail

It was snowing off and on while we walked the trail and enjoyed the view. It was a wonderful day, and we would have stayed longer, except our hands and feet were getting cold.

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