A Quick Visit Home

It has been awhile since we’ve posted. Here is a quick check in to let you know what’s happening.

We left New Mexico on April 30 and began our journey to the Midwest. We stopped a couple nights along the way and will post our pictures and stories from those places soon.

We arrived home the 1st of May and the fun began! Dentist appointments, yard work, eye doctor appointments, more yard work, vet and grooming appointments and still more yard work.

We gave the RV a much needed deep cleaning to remove dust and sand from desert living. We did a few enhancements that we are adding to our RV remodeling section.

The winter clothes came out of our closet and drawers and the spring and summer clothes went in. We removed items in the basement that we packed in October and never used. We organized and purged.

We also spent time with family and friends. Dinner out. Dinner in. A family gathering on our last day celebrated Mother’s Day and the youngest grandchild’s 3rd birthday.

On Sunday morning, May 13, we said goodbye to our downsized home and headed northeast to Iowa in our RV. We will be here for about two months while Andy works at a local hospital. More details on where we are staying soon.

The last six months on the road have been an adventure. We survived a flat tire on the truck while pulling the RV. A power outage at an RV park as soon as we plugged in and a storm that rocked us all night.

We have been blessed to meet wonderful people and see the beauty of this country. We are thankful for where we have been and look forward to where we are going.